Several Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) across the state conducted AEM flights in July and early August 2016 using Water Sustainability Fund (WSF) grant dollars awarded in April 2016: Lewis and Clark NRD, Lower Elkhorn NRD, Papio-Missouri River NRD, Lower Platte North NRD, Lower Platte South NRD, Central Platte NRD, Twin Platte NRD, Lower Loup NRD & the BAZILE AREA (Lewis and Clark, Lower Elkhorn, Upper Elkhorn, Lower Niobrara NRDs). Each NRD had a mix of the following types of surveys flown: block flights (tightly spaced flight lines for determining aquifer boundaries and/or potential groundwater volumes), transect/tie line flights (longer reconnaissance type flight lines), and grid flights (hybrid of reconnaissance and detailed type surveys, aquifer boundary mapping).