Model Building Reports

HYDROGEOLOGIC ASSESSMENT, FRAMEWORK and MODEL-related Projects are at different stages of development for the ENWRA NRDs. Please refer to the 2018 AEM survey report for the Lewis and Clark NRD, the 2023 AEM survey Report for the Nemaha NRD and the 2020 AEM survey report for the Papio-Missouri River NRD for district wide coverage of hydrogeologic information in one comprehensive report deliverable. The model and framework reports listed here are cooperative efforts with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources for the Lower Platte an Missouri River Tributaries Regional Model and the Nemaha Model development work within the ENWRA area and/or district specific deliverables.

LCNRD and LPNNRD - Delineation Maps

PDF map deliverables 2009 to 2011 (1 to 57MB) show a variety of spatial delineations for the Lewis and Clark NRD and the Lower Platte North NRD including the distribution of unconsolidated sand and gravel units serving as localized aquifers at the NRD scale.

Geologic Cross Sections, Eastern Nebraska

This document presents three regional geologic cross sections and accompanying text describing the methodology used to draw the cross sections. Three cross sections were constructed in 2012 (based off older CSD drafts by Vince Dreeszen) across portions of eastern Nebraska to characterize the regional geology of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits and the bedrock units that lie directly beneath them.