ENWRA Archive

Click here to access ENWRA's Archive data folders prepared by Dana Divine of the Conservation and Survey Division (CSD) of the School of Natural Resources at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2011 (includes some additional archived sources gathered to-date). Dropbox is free for users but when downloading data, please save to your computer hard drive (choose download, sometimes in a hard to spot location) so as to not fill up space on your personal Dropbox account (Warning files total 5.7 GB). It is recommended you download the access database and then return to the Dropbox for copies of the PDF files associated with your search. 

The records under the "files" folder are organized by the first three letters of the county name and consecutive numbering. You must find where the access file was downloaded on your Windows computer and right click and check the "unblock" box in the pop-up and enable content in order to open Microsoft access files. Once open you should be under the where table and can sort by county, document type, keyword or site name.  

A good place to start is to select the county and hit the search button and then filter by township section range to search available records in your area of interest.