Lower Platte South NRD Dwight-Valparaiso-Brainard 2013 AEM Survey


Hydrogeologic Assessment and Framework Development of the Aquifers beneath the Brainard-Valparaiso Area of the Lower Platte South Natural R


Lower Platte South Report on AEM Survey in the Dwight-Valparaiso-Brainard (DVB) area Report on AEM flights conducted for the DVB area that experienced groundwater declines during 2012. XRI conducted the hydrogeologic study in August 2013. 

Appendix 1-6 (PDF, 8.2 MB) 

Appendix 7A (PDF, 9.8 MB) 

Appendix 7B (PDF, 9.2 MB) 

Appendix 7C (PDF, 4.0 MB)

Google Earth .kmz deliverables:

image of the google earth datasets folder contents on Dropbox

images of  all three of the DVB flight block google Earth Deliverables