2006 to 2009 ENWRA Projects and Reports

ENWRA - Introduction to a Hydrogeological Study

This publication contains detailed information about ENWRA's projects and goals, as well as a general overview of groundwater in eastern Nebraska.

report Figure 4 image of eastern Nebraska with glacial till extent

USGS Open File Report 2008-1018

report cover image of HEM systemUSGS Open File Report 2008-1018. This report assesses multiple geophysical techniques that were applied near Oakland, Ashland and Firth, Nebraska.

USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5228

report cover Image of HEM systemUSGS Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5228. This report assesses multiple geophysical techniques that were applied near Oakland, Nebraska.

Ashland-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2006


Ashland HEM report cover image Ashland-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2006. This report contains maps and discussion of the hydrogeology in the Ashland, Nebraska area based on interpretation of HEM data collected in 2006.

Firth-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2007


firth report cover with 3D voxel image Firth-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2007. This report contains maps and discussion of the hydrogeology in the Firth, Nebraska area based on interpretation of HEM data collected in 2007.

Swedeburg-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2009


Swedeburg report cover image with HEM system Swedeburg-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2009. This report contains maps and discussion of the hydrogeology in the Swedeburg, Nebraska area based on interpretation of HEM data collected in 2009.

Sprague-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2009


Sparage 2009 report cover image with HEM system and white barn Sprague-area Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) Survey Report, 2009. This report contains maps and discussion of the hydrogeology in the Sprague, Nebraska area based on interpretation of HEM data collected in 2009.

USGS Open File Report 2010-1288


USGS report cover image with 3D voxel of aquifer material and boreholes USGS Open File Report 2010-1288. This report contains data gathered from HEM surveys flown in the Sprague and Swedeburg areas in the spring of 2009.

2009 HEM Poster

image of 2009 GSA poster with preliminary HEM results

Preliminary Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys Over a Paleovalley Aquifer in Eastern Nebraska. This poster summarizes some of the HEM data collected in 2009. The poster was presented at the 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Portland, OR.

2006 to 2009 Videos and 3D views

water vision video splash page moving water with textWater Vision - Mapping Eastern Nebraska Aquifers with the Heliborne Electromagnetic Survey

image of Ashland HEM survey profiles in 3D

Ashland Pilot Site 2006. 

This video shows inverted HEM data from the Ashland pilot study site. The white areas are where data has been removed to provide a cross-sectional view. The starting viewpoint is to the north. The Todd Valley is represented by red in the upper left hand corner and the glacial till uplands near Gretna by blue in the upper right hand corner.

image of Firth 2007 aquifer material and boreholes in 3D space



Firth Pilot Site 2007.  This video shows the Firth voxel model generated from inverted HEM data. Red zones are areas having resistivity values greater than or equal to 80 ohm-meters. The semi-transparent layer represents ground surface, and the black columns represent test holes. The starting viewpoint is to the northwest. The two red areas likely correspond to the edges of a paleovalley aquifer.


image of Oakland 2007 HEM aquifer material with boreholes in 3D space

Oakland Pilot Site 2007. This video the Oakland voxel model generated from inverted HEM data. Red zones are areas having resistivity values greater than or equal to 80 ohm-meters. The semi-transparent layer represents ground surface, and the black columns represent test holes. The starting viewpoint is to the north. The red swath coincides with sand and gravels associated with Logan Creek.