ENWRA 2014 Reconnaissance AEM - Report Volume I



STEP 1: Please create a folder on the C drive of your computer entitled "enwra_2014"  and within that folder create two subfolders entitled "KMZ" and "Profiles"

STEP 2: Please download the Google Earth and Microsoft Word files below. Save the Fall 2014 Flights .kmz files into the corresponding "KMZ" subfolder you created in "enwra_2014" on your C drive. Save the Microsoft Word Legend file into the corresponding "enwra_2014" main folder.

Fall 2014 Flights (KMZ, 1.3 MB) - repaired April 2019

Fall 2014 Legend (DOCX, 786 KB)

STEP 3: Do the same for the PNG images provided below that you would be interested in (please refer to the flight line locations here) but put them in the corresponding "Profiles" folder of "enwra_2014" on your C drive. All files must be unzipped in order to work in Google Earth.

enwra_2014_all_images (116 PNGs, 93 MB)

STEP 4: In Google Earth, click "Tools", then "Options".

STEP 5: In the Google Earth Options box, click the "General" tab.

STEP 6: Under "Placemark balloons", make sure the box is checked to allow access to local files and personal data.

STEP 7: Under "Display", make sure the box is checked to show web results in external browser.

STEP 8: The .kmz files within the folder named "KMZ" can now be opened and viewed in Google Earth.

STEP 9: It is important to not alter the file structure or names of anything in the “enwra_2014”  folder.

STEP 10: If your browser defaults the kmz download to a ".txt" file, download and rename with ".kmz" at the end and it should work.

Google Earth Tips and Tricks: Grab the map with your cursor and hold down the "u" key on your keyboard to view the earth looking straight down instead of at an angle. Do the same and hit the "n" key to orient the map north as up. Google Earth Pro (link above) is free and you can hit the file menu, then hit open, and then select all data import formats from the dropdown and open an ESRI shapefile or many other GIS file types in Google Earth directly from a saved location on your computer.

example kmz image of data results for ENWRA AEM recon lines flown in 2014 and 2015

Geodatabase File Datasets:

North Geodatabase (ZIPPED .gbd file, 11 MB)