Papio-Missouri River NRD 2016 AEM Survey



Google Earth Datasets:

The interpreted results for the 2016 AEM flights have been provided in Google Earth format. You can download the free version of Google Earth Pro by clicking here. Click here for a link to download the Google Earth datasets (.kmz file and associated image files, 80.5 MB) from ENWRA's Dropbox. You do not need to sign-up for a Dropbox account to download the files. You must have Google Earth installed on your computer before downloading or opening the .kmz Google Earth dataset files. If you already have a Dropbox account, please logout and choose download  so you do not fill up space on your personal Dropbox (location and method always getting updated by Dropbox, link can be hard to find).

Please follow the instructions in the "GoogleE_README.pdf" PDF file on Dropbox here AND save the downloaded files with the same exact file structure as shown on the Dropbox. Google Earth will look here on your hard drive: C:\Sarpy_Profiles\ for every profile image when you touch a link on a data dot - see example image below. The easiest way is to do this is to create a folder named "Sarpy_Profiles" directly on your C drive and then save all the downloaded Dropbox files to that folder.

Google Earth Image with 2016 PMRNRD AEM Lines

Google Earth Tips and Tricks: Grab the map with your cursor and hold down the "u" key on your keyboard to view the earth looking straight down instead of at an angle. Do the same and hit the "n" key to orient the map north as up. Google Earth Pro (link above) is free and you can hit the file menu, then hit open, and then select all data import formats from the dropdown and open an ESRI shapefile or many other GIS file types in Google Earth directly from a saved location on your computer.